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06/14/2004 Entry: "Nickeback recycles"

Nickelbag of the same-ole same-ole. Stereo split of two completely different songs that sound awfully similar.

This is almost as amusing as watching the Dark Side of the Moon while listening to the Wizard of Oz.

Replies: 2 comments

hey dave, have you tried the 2001 - A Space Odyssey and Pink Floyd - Echoes thing?


and lol@nickelbag, but they are really not the first to do this kind of self ripping, they´re just uppin' the ante for Britneys and NSyncs to come.

Posted by Andreas @ 06/26/2004 09:09 AM CST

Normally, I hate Nickelback. However, this stereo split thingy is fairly ok.

Posted by Mabü @ 06/15/2004 12:14 PM CST

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