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08/17/2004 Entry: "DVB Sucks"

On my way home from the bagel shop last night, I turned right at the corner of Louisenstrasse onto Görlitzer. That corner is a gravitation point for anyone who wants to hang out but can't afford to buy drinks at a bar. For 11 pm on a monday, it was a pretty lively albeit scruffy bunch. Mostly punks yelling at their dogs for behaving like dogs, mostly hammered. Amidst kids sitting to his left and his right on the sidewalk was the scruffiest dude I ever saw passed out and forgotten on the pavement. Directly before his face was a large pool of vomit--not a step-over-sized pool of vomit, rather a walk-a-big-circle-around-sized one. He had noodles for dinner, which is probably what did him in.

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