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10/28/2003 Entry: "Present prefect"

New textbook 1, Mr. Seezen 0

I was pretty annoyed with one of the exercises we covered on Mondee, that being the one with the present perfect versus simple past. I could not sleep. So I showed it to a few colleagues, and they were all, "what the heck is going on here?" All agreed that the exercise was totally ambiguous in some spots.
Ron suggested I push my students to use more simple past whenever it fits, because --and he is absolutely right-- German folks tend to way overuse the present perfect out of habit. The little punks.
Another teacher reflected that anyone who devises a solid method for teaching presperf to foreign speakers will become a millionaire. Yes, that really was said; such are the lively conversations amongst shop-talking teachers.

So I thought I'd give it to y'all straight from the horse's mouth, and cite Murphy's take on present perfect. Exercises included just in case you feel extra frisky.

Replies: 2 comments


Posted by Hector @ 03/04/2004 09:09 AM CST

I have done so many things in my life, but I haven't done anything today.

Posted by Cheetster @ 10/31/2003 05:55 PM CST

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