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05/20/2004 Entry: "l2 schein"

It has come to my attention that several students from WS 2003/4 L2 are missing their "Shein"s.

The most likely reason is that you did a presentation in the first semester which for some reason didn't get transferred to the second. In this case fear not; your presentation note should be recorded in the hard copies at the office, and you also have a stamped Schein signed by me.

In this case, contacting the bedazzling secretary Fr. Scheel should solve your problems. Presenting your Schein would make things even easier. Contact her at: Ramona(dot)Scheel(at sign goes here)mailbox(dot)tu-dresden.de

I apologize for the bugs in the system; last year we got it all computerized and y'all were on for the ride the first time round.

There are a couple of other students who have other woes; I've looked in my records and need to get in touch with them. They know who they are and know how to contact me, so do it please.

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