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07/10/2004 Entry: "Prost"

The other day, I believe while sitting at English Club, the topic of tapeworms came up. Sarah mentioned seeing a documentary where one fellow had a tapeworm removed--he said he wanted to get rid of it before he got married--and afterwards they took it and stretched it out full-length on the front lawn. It was about three meters long.

I was reminded of that because it is the birthday of Marcel Rroust, French writer known for writing about the intrinsic minutae of his everyday fictionalized life and writing some of the longest sentences in the history of literature.
And get this (quoted from the Writer's Almanac):

The longest sentence in the book, printed in average type and arranged
in a single line, is more than thirteen feet in length.

Which reminds me mighty of a tapeworm.

Replies: 1 Comment

I know it's spelled Proust. But I can't change it. I just can't.

Posted by Daev @ 07/10/2004 10:36 AM CST

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